Crown Equipment呼吁使用新型的“货到人”的机器人系统
但是,Crown Equipment Corporation在本周提交的专利申请中称,这些类型的解决方案中的许多解决方案并未充分利用仓库中的空间。Crown提出的新的解决方案将充分利用多层货架系统,为自动化环境奠定了基础。
Crown Equipment argues for new automatedgoods-to-person robotic system
September 19, 2020
The automation of a warehouse is, at this point, nothing surprising. Companies from Amazon to Nike have started using goods-to-person picking solutions, where robots bring inventory to a humanoperator.
But many of these types of solutions don't take full advantage of the space in a warehouse, Crown Equipment Corporation argued in a patent application filed this week. Crown made the case for anautomated environment that also takes advantage of a multilevel racking system.
The system relies on two vehicles workingin tandem: one to pick (108 in the image above), and one to transport (106 inthe image above).
"Rather than transporting mobile storage units ... exclusively to floor-level locations, a storage unit transporter can coordinate with a pick-place vehicle to provide automated orsemi-automated access to storage bays not directly accessible to the storage unit transporter," the patent reads.
The system is designed to carry mobile storage units (104 in the image above) from the racking system to the human picker and is designed to store a variety of goods, according to Crown.
Because the transporter carries the storage unit from under neath, it won't need to rely on the picking vehicle for units onthe ground level. This means a warehouse could put its faster-moving inventory on the bottom of the racking system to allow for faster access, according tothe patent.
The storage unit transporter is autonomous,but the pick-place vehicle could be manually operated, or partially or fully autonomous, the patent explains, adding that it is "any type of conventional or yet-to-be-developed vehicle capable of placing mobile storage units in the multiple level racking system."
The warehouse management system would coordinate the movement of vehicles.
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